LAL is an international conference organized by the Faculty of Ethnolinguistics, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań since 2016. With more than 30 years of tradition in teaching and researching languages and cultures of Asia, we bring together researchers working in various subfields of Asian linguistics.
Our goal is to explore new perspectives on linguistic research focused on Asian languages, and foster exchange between diverse theoretical and empirical approaches.
We welcome contributions from a wide range of areas in linguistics, including, but not limited to, the following, as well as session proposals on current topics.
- Pragmatics
- Semantics
- Syntax
- Phonology/phonetics
- Applied linguistics
- Corpus linguistics
- Descriptive/field linguistics
- Dialectology and language change
- Historical linguistics
- Morphology
- Natural language processing
Abstract submission
The language of the conference is English. We invite anonymous abstracts (one page A4 excluding references) for 30-minute oral presentations (in-person and online) followed by a 5-minute Q&A session, and thematic session proposals outlining contents and potential participants (up to two pages A4).
Each contribution should be submitted electronically as a pdf file through EasyChair. All submissions will be reviewed by an international scientific panel. Accepted and delivered papers will be published upon review.
Student Session
In addition to the above presentations, we welcome contributions from graduate students in Asian linguistics for 20-minute talks followed by 10-minute Q&A. This event is a platform for our young colleagues to present their research, exchange ideas and gain inspiration. Please indicate „Student Session” in your submission.
Important dates:
Extended abstract submission deadline: January 6, 2025
Notification of acceptance: January 16, 2025
Registration until February 16, 2025
Conference: March 16-17, 2025
Organized by:
Faculty of Ethnolinguistics, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań
Program committee
Setsuko Arita, Ritsumeikan University
Michael Yoshitaka Erlewine, National University of Singapore
Magdalena Kaufmann, University of Connecticut
Stefan Kaufmann, University of Connecticut
Norbert Kordek, Adam Mickiewicz University
Elin McCready, Aoyama Gakuin University
Lukas Rieser, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Yasutada Sudo, University College London
Syuntaro Tida, Kyoto University
Local organizer
Szymon Grzelak, Adam Mickiewicz University